Saturday, January 21, 2006

Carnivals !

As much as I like the silence of the jungles and wildlife and animals, I like carnivals. The season of carnivals and the celebrations and the joy and happiness and the colors just blows my mind away.
One of my wishlist in my life would be to attend atleast 3 of the world's famous carnivals.
Click here to have view of some of the carnivals around the world


Loveena Raj said...

Bryan Adams is going to be in Bagalore on the 5th of Feb !!! Lucky people ... You have concert tickets ??? For once I'm really jealous - Big time :-(

DreamClicks said...

Lovee, Bryan Adams is in Doha on Feb 1!!! Close to you, yet far :P

Anonymous said...

u should visit the Goa carnival... as flamboyant as Rio.. much closer to home :-)

Loveena Raj said...

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr @ DV