Thursday, November 16, 2006

:-( Dull Friday

I'm late, I'm sad, am upset and am feeling amiss.....I dont want to work today and neither am I able to focus...No, not that its a Friday and am going home after a long time, (the days of going home every weekend to meet the special someone are all over) .....Its just that I'm not feeling good about my new friend..... This morning I was waiting for my cereal porridge to cool down and watching TV. I was already late..... Thats when I saw this little friend come in and searching for the biscuit in the usual place. I was amused and went to the kitchen with a biscuit to keep it on the window sill. And he was running arnd the kitchen lofts searching for something. I have all the cardboard covers of microwave, fridge on the lofts.....I thght he probably was trying to find a hide out for himself and I decided to see if he can take the biscuits from my hand today. We have gotten close , but not close enough....And I waited waited and waited and he never turned up.....I left the biscuit in the usual place and until I left, it was not touched....Wonder where the little fellow is....


Anonymous said...

I must say that your concern for a squirrel touched me
[ when many dont bother about humans:( ]

Did the little fellow get back to you?


Enchanted Mind said...


Yes he did.

"when many dont bother about humans:( "...
I hate this line of thought.
I belong to the category who think that humans get more than their share of everything....

A squirrel's life is no different from a human's !